Monday, November 30, 2009

Jun Hong's First Birthday

Ann wanted a cake for her son's first birthday :) She showed my a few pics of him and also his favourite penguin soft toy. He also likes sucking his left thumb. Here's the final result.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

An apple a day keeps the doctor away

It's been a while since i posted!! Been rather busy :( For more updates do keep in touch with me through facebook. I will normally upload pics there once i complete a cake/cupcakes :P it's easier & faster compared to here!

Here's a cake I did for my cousin who's a medical representative. She wanted a cake for her customer who's a doc, a gynae to be exact! This cake i rather cute, take a look!

The scene is him with a stethoscope getting ready to check on his pregnant patient. Other medical equipments can be seen on the side of the cake!

Dr Bear ready to check on "bun in the oven" :P

Dr. ANDY LOW. Cool name for a gynae ;)