This cake was made for Wyzek, my fellow bowling buddy & also team mate. I recently bought a book on decorative cakes, & the content of the book were mostly adult themes. He asked me when was i making one.. hahah & he got one for his bday 2 weeks after :P
This is a pic of the cake before all the necessary deco are put on it, rather plain & dull rite?
This is a pic of the cake before all the necessary deco are put on it, rather plain & dull rite?
The cake after all the deco have been put in place!
The guy in the jacuzzi is him (a pilot, as he has his cap) with 2 chicks chilling with some booze & others things :) Added tiles & steps on the cake to make it look more realistic. Other than that, i added the towel, sandals, beer bottles, spilled beer & the cutest... a rubber duckie!!!!
Also added some effect to make it look "wet". As u can see, wyzek's & the 2 chicks r all wet.. the tiles as well! :P Really having a lot of fun there.. lol
We decided to cut the cake after bowling, in A&W of all places... it was the school holiday week on a fri nite, so it was packed!! Packed with families.......... -_- hahaha ppl were looking at us.. & at the obscene cake :P It was fun tho. Happy Birthday once again :D